If your online store has a brick-and-mortar presence, you’ll want to offer find-in-store functionality. This way, customers can find the nearest store for the products they’re looking for. Additionally, many shoppers prefer to research products online before buying them, but sometimes it’s easier to buy an item at a physical location. In either case, it’s important to have an effective ecommerce website design in Toronto.
Customer login:
A customer login feature is a crucial component of any e-commerce website. This feature helps shoppers save their shopping history and personal details, such as shipping and payment information. It can also help improve the overall shopping experience. Your site should include a login button prominently placed in the top bar or header of the site. You can also connect the account to loyalty programs such as loyalty clubs or rewards points.
Related product suggestions:
Using related product suggestions to drive conversions is an easy way to boost your bottom line. Not only can you display related products on product pages, but you can also present them on any page. Related products can be displayed in several ways, including hard coding, apps, pop-ups, chatbots, and more. You can even use data to serve upsells and cross-sells.
Customer account page:
In e-commerce, a customer account page is an important tool for fostering repeat spending and building a relationship with your visitors. It allows visitors to securely store their payment methods, shipping addresses, shopping carts, and online order information. Customer account holders are often customers, donors, or members of a member area. Creating an account isn’t difficult, and the customer account login link may automatically display depending on your site’s version.
Newsletter sign-up form:
To create a newsletter sign-up form, you need to have the golden ratio in mind. Too many form fields can make the sign-up process too complex. Ideally, your form should have only the necessary fields to capture information from your users. First name, email address, and gender are great starting points for personalization. Personalizing email content is proven to result in up to 29% higher open rates, better engagement, and happier subscribers.
Payment options:
In an increasingly mobile world, several payment options are available to online shoppers. Whether a visitor is purchasing a product from a traditional brick-and-mortar shop or a virtual one, they expect to be able to use the most convenient method possible. Unexpected shipping charges, for example, are the number one reason why shoppers abandon a cart.